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发布时间:2018-10-20   阅读:





办公室:数学新楼 B210







  2006.06-2010.06, 湘潭大学,计算数学专业,博士研究生

  2003.06-2006.06, 湘潭大学,计算数学专业,硕士研究生

  1999.09-2003.06, 湘潭大学,数学与应用数学专业,大学本科


  2016.12-至今,  湘潭大学新2会员管理端10888,教授

  2011.12-2016.12, 湘潭大学新2会员管理端10888,副教授

  2008.08-2011.11, 湘潭大学新2会员管理端10888,讲师

  2006.06-2008.08, 湘潭大学新2会员管理端10888,助教  









  学术型硕士研究生: 数学一级学科,偏微分方程数值解,图像处理、大数据、深度学习



  • 湖南省重点研发计划项目:基于多模态信息的图文理解算法,2023-2025,主持

  • 湖南省普通高等学校科技创新团队:数学共性基础算法研究,负责人

  • 国家自然科学基金中俄国际合作项目:非局部多尺度模型的新型计算方法及应用,2023-2025,主持

  • 湖南省科技创新领军才(拔尖)项目,2022.09-2025.09,主持

  • 国家重点研发计划项目:智能导航及遥感数据高精度融合的数学方法—多源异构空间遥感数据模型与定标应用,2020.12-2025.11,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:几类非线性非局部偏微分方程的高效高精度数值方法研究,2021-2024,主持 

  • 湖南省杰出青年基金项目:几类非局部微分方程的高效算法研究及应用,2020-2022,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目:分数阶偏微分方程高阶算法及后验误差分析,2020-2024,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目:几类非局部方程的高效谱方法研究,2017-2020,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点支持项目:相场数学模型及相关数学问题高精度数值方法,2015-2018,参与

  • 国家自然科学基金青年项目:非线性Volterra 型积分微分方程的高精度谱方法,2014-2016,主持

  • 国家自然科学基金天元项目:求解带奇性时间分数阶偏微分方程的移动网格方法,2012-2012,主持


  • 2023年,湖南省青年科技奖

  • 2022年,宝钢优秀教师

  • 2022年,湖南省科技创新领军人才

  • 2022年,2021-2022年度省科协所属学会优秀共产党员

  • 2022年,湖南省高等教育教学成果二等奖(排名第一)

  • 2020年,湖南省杰出青年基金获得者

  • 2020年,湖南省“芙蓉学者奖励计划”青年学者

  • 2019年,湖南省高等教育教学成果特等奖(排名第二)

  • 2019年,湖南省担当作为优秀干部

  • 2017年,湘潭大学韶峰学者学术带头人

  • 2019年,湘潭大学优秀教育工作者

  • 2016年,湖南省普通高校青年骨干教师培养对象



  • Lina Yin, Yin Yang, Mingjun Deng, Yunqing Huang, and Kailing Chen, A twofold stereo positioning method for multiview spaceborne SAR images, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 20:4010605,2023.

  • Xiaohong Fan, Yin Yang, Ke Chen, Yujie Feng, and Jianping Zhang, Nest-DGIL: Nesterov-Optimized Deep Geometric Incremental Learning for CS Image Reconstruction, IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 9:819,2023.

  • Jiaqi Zhang, Yin Yang, An efficient and accurate numerical method for the fractional optimal control problems with fractional Laplacian and state constraint, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations,39: 4403–4420,2023.

  • Bu, L.; Dai, D.; Zhang, Z.; Yang, Y.; Deng, M. Hyperspectral SuperResolution Reconstruction Network Based on Hybrid Convolution and Spectral Symmetry Preservation. Remote Sens., 15:3225,2023.

  • Nuo Chen,Mingjun Deng,Di Wang,Zhengpeng Zhang,Yin Yang,Improvement and Assessment of Gaofen-3 Spotlight Mode 3-D Localization Accuracy,Remote Sensing, 15(10):2512,2023.

  • Xiaohong Fan, Yin Yang, Ke Chen, Jianping Zhang, Ke Dong,An interpretable MRI reconstruction network with two-grid-cycle correction and geometric prior distillation,Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 84:104821,2023.

  • Biao Zhang, Yin Yang,An adaptive unconditional maximum principle preserving and energy stability scheme for the space fractional Allen-Cahn equation,Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Computers and Mathematics with Applications,139:28–37,2023.

  • Yan Zhou,Xihong Zheng,Yin Yang, Jianxun Li,Jinzhen Mu,Richard Irampaye,Multi‐directional feature refinement network for real‐time semantic segmentation in urban street scenes,IET Computer Vision,17(4):431–444,2023.

  • Jiaqi Zhang,Yin Yang,Zhaojie Zhou,Spectral Galerkin approximation of fractional optimal control problems with fractional Laplacian,Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 15(6):1631-1654,2023.

  • Mingjun Deng,Di Wang,Xin Liu,Zhengpeng Zhang,and Yin Yang,Multi-mode Gaofen-3 Product Long-Term Geolocation Accuracy Performance,Journal of Applied Remote Sensing,16(4):048504-1,2022.

  • Biao Zhang, Yin Yang, A new linearized maximum principle preserving and energy stability scheme for the space fractional Allen-Cahn equation, Numerical Algorithms, 93:179–202,2023.

  • Chao Dai, Mingjun Deng, Mingyu Dai, Xin Liu, Yin Yang & Yunqing Huang, Geometric Calibration of Helicopter-borne Wide-Angle SAR Imagery Based on the Range Doppler Model, Remote Sensing Letters , 13:10, 1040-1047, 2022

  • Jindi Wang, Yin Yang*, Bingquan Ji, Two energy stable variable-step L1 schemes for the time-fractional MBE model without slope selection, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 419 : 114702, 2023.

  • Yin Yang, Jindi Wang, Yanping Chen and Hong-lin Liao*, Compatible L2 norm convergence of variable-step L1 scheme for the time-fractional MBE model with slope selection, Journal of Computational Physics, 467 : 111467, 2022.

  • Yin Yang∗, Emran Tohidi∗, Guoting Deng,A high accurate and convergent numerical framework for solving high-order nonlinear Volterra integro-difffferential equations,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics,421: 114852, 2023.

  • Nan Liu, Hongyu Qin, Yin Yang*, Unconditionally optimal H1-norm error estimates of a fast and linearized Galerkin method for nonlinear subdiffusion equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Volume 107, 1 February 2022, Pages 70-81.

  • Guoting Deng, Yin Yang, Emran Tohidi, High accurate pseudo-spectral Galerkin scheme for pantograph type Volterra integro-differential equations with singular kernels, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 396, 125866, 2021.

  • Yin Yang, Zhuyan Tang, Mapped Spectral collocation methods for Volterra integral equations with noncompact kernels, Applied Numerical Mathematics, 160:166-177, 2021.

  • Yin Yang, M.H. Heydari, Z. Avazzadeh and A. Atangana,Chebyshev wavelets operational matrices for solving nonlinear variable-order fractional integral equations, Advances in Difference Equations, 2020: 611, 2020

  • Yin Yang, Jiaqi Zhang, Huan Liu, Aleksandr O. Vasilev, An indirect convergent Jacobi spectral collocation method for fractional optimal control problems, Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.5968

  • Yin Yang, Sujuan Kang and Vasiliy I. Vasil'ev, The Jacobi spectral collocation method for fractional integro-differential equations with non-smooth solutions, Electronic Research Archive, 28(3): 1161-1189, September 2020

  • Yin Yang, M. H. Noori Skandari, Pseudospectral Method for Fractional Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems, Optimal Control Applications and Methods,2020;1–12. https://doi.org/10.1002/oca.2649

  • M.H. Heydari, A. Atangana, Z. Avazzadeh, Y. Yang, Numerical treatment of the strongly coupled nonlinear fractal-fractional Schro¨ dinger equations through the shifted Chebyshev cardinal functions, Alexandria Engineering Journal, 59, 2037–2052, 2020.

  • M. H. Heydari, Z. Avazzadeh and Y. Yang, Numerical treatment of the space–time fractal–fractional model of nonlinear dvection–diffusion–reaction equation through the bernstein polynomials, Fractals, 28(8): 2040001, 2020.

  • Yin Yang, Jindi Wang, Shangyou Zhang, Emran Tohidi, Convergence analysis of space-time Jacobi spectral collocation method for solving time-fractional Schr\"{O}dinger equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 387: 124489, 2020.

  • Mohammad Hossein Heydari, Zakieh Avazzadeh, Yin Yang, Carlo Cattani, A cardinal method to solve coupled nonlinear variable-order time fractional sine-Gordon equations, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39(1):2, March 2020.

  • Yin Yang, Jianyong Tao, Shangyou Zhang, Petr V. Sivtsev, A Jacobi collocation method for the fractional Ginzburg-Landau differential equation, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.12, No. 1, pp. 57-86, February 2020

  • Yin Yang, Fazlollah Soleymani, Mahdiar Barfeie, Emran Tohidi, A radial basis function -Hermite finite difference approach to tackle cash-or-nothing and asset-or-nothing options, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 368: 112523, 2020

  • Yin Yang, Emran Tohidi, Xiaohua Ma, Sujuan Kang, Rigorous convergence analysis of Jacobi spectral Galerkin methods for Volterra integral equations with noncompact kernels, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 366: 112403, 2020.

  • Yin Yang, Emran Tohidi, Numerical solution of multi-Pantograph delay boundary value problems via an efficient approach with the convergence analysis, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 38:127, 2019

  • Yin Yang, Xinfa Yang, Jindi Wang, Jie Liu, The numerical solution of the time-fractional nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation via spectral collocation method, Thermal Science, 2019 Volume 23, Issue 3 Part A, Pages: 1529-1537

  • Yin Yang, Wanying Qiao, Jindi Wang, Shangyou Zhang, Spectral collocation methods for nonlinear coupled time fractional Nernest-Planck equations in two dimensions and its convergence analysis, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 78,1431-1449,2019

  • Mohammad Hossein Heydari, Zakieh Avazzadeh, Yin Yang, A computational method for solving variable-order fractional nonlinear diffusion-wave equation, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 352: 235–248, 2019.

  • •Yin Yang, Zhuyan Tang, Yunqing Huang, Numerical solutions for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernel using spectral collocation method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 349: 314–324, 2019.

  • Yin Yang, Yanping Chen, Spectral Collocation Methods for Nonlinear Volterra Integro-Differential Equations with Weakly Singular Kernels, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 42(1), pp 297–314, January 2019.  

  • Yin Yang, Yunqing Huang, Spectral jacobi-galerkin methods and iterated methods for fredholm integral equations of the second kind with weakly singular kernel, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series S, 12(3), 685-702, June 2019.

  • Xingfa Yang, Yin Yang, Yanping Chen and Yunqing Huang, Jacobi spectral collocation method based on Lagrange interpolation polynomials for solving nonlinear fractional integro-differential equations, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 1440-1458,December 2018.

  • Yin Yang, Yunqing Huang, Yong Zhou, Numerical simulation of time fractional Cable equations and convergence analysis, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 34, 1556-1576, 2018.

  • Yin Yang, Yunqing Huang, Yong Zhou, Numerical solutions for solving time fractional Fokker-Planck equations based on spectral collocation methods, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 339, pp.389–404, 2018.  

  • Yin Yang, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang, Huayi Wei, Spectral collocation method for the time-fractional diffusion-wave equation and convergence analysis, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 73(6): 1218–1232, 2017. 

  • Yin Yang, Yanping Chen, Jacobi spectral Galerkin and iterated methods for nonlinear Volterra integral equation, Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 11(4), 041027-041027-8, 2016.

  • Yin Yang, Jacobi spectral Galerkin methods for Volterra integral equations with weakly singular kernel, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society, 53(1), pp. 247-262, 2016.

  • Yin Yang, Jacobi spectral Galerkin methods for fractional integro-differential equations, Calcolo, Volume 52, Issue 4 (2015), Page 519-542. 

  • Yin Yang, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang, Wei Yang, Convergence analysis of  Legendre-collocation methods for nonlinear Volterra type integral Equations, Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7(1): 74-88, 2015. 

  • Yin Yang, Chebyshev Pseudo-spectral Method for a Class of Space Fractional Partial Differential Yin Yang, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang, Convergence analysis of the Jacobi spectral-collocation method for fractional integro-differential equations, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 34 (3) , pp. 673-690, 2014.

  • Yin Yang, Yanping Chen, Yunqing Huang, Spectral-collocation method for fractional Fredholm integro-differential equations, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 51(1): 203-224, 2014. 

  • Yin Yang, Yunqing Huang, Spectral-collocation methods for fractional pantograph delay-integro-differential equations, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2013, Article ID 821327, 14 pages. 

  • Jianjun Xu, Yin Yang, and John Lowengru, A level-set continuum method for two-phase flows with insoluble surfactant, Journal of Computational Physics, 231(17): 5897-5909, 2012.

  • Qin Zhou, Chen Yanping, Yin Yang, Two Improved Algorithms and Implementation for a Singularly Perturbed Problem on Moving Meshes, Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, 24: 1232–1240, 2011. 

  • Yang Yin, Chen Yanping, Huang Yunqing, Moving mesh method for a modeling of turbulent flow in circular, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 27(2): 388-399, 2009.